“With clear nods to Indiana Jones and other adventure stories, the fast-paced plot and engaging characters are sure to appeal to a young audience.”
- Publishers Weekly
Travels with Gannon & Wyatt
In the tradition of the historic journals kept by explorers such as Lewis and Clark, comes the fictional adventure book series Travels with Gannon & Wyatt.
From Africa to the South Pacific, these twin brothers have traveled to all corners of the globe. The journals, photographs and video compiled on their real-life expeditions provide the foundation for this action-packed educational series
Praise for the Series
“A great deal of information packed into a short, suspenseful read that will appeal to fans of travel and adventure stories.”
— School Library Journal
“Simply wonderful books for young readers.”
— Dr. Wade Davis
“Travels with Gannon & Wyatt… inspires young people to do their part to help make the world a better place.”
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
“Exceptionally well-written and original, Travels with Gannon & Wyatt: Greenland is very highly recommended.”
— Midwest Book Review
Quick Info
The Books | Educator’s Resource Guide | Youth Exploration Society | Meet the Authors
Meet Gannon & Wyatt
Twin brothers, Gannon and Wyatt, have been traveling since they were young, very young. They actually took their first flight before they could even crawl and have been globetrotting ever since.
From Alaska to the Australian Outback and many places in between…
Written by Wyatt
Hmm, what can I say about my brother? Well, let’s start with my criticisms. He blows things out of proportion, for one. He overreacts, for another. He’s impulsive, reckless, and just a little too carefree for my taste.
To sum it up, Gannon just does things without really thinking them through and sometimes that gets us into trouble. What kind of trouble? I won’t go into that right now. Let’s just say, big trouble, though Gannon won’t admit it. Instead, he says that he gets us into “big adventures!”
Read our books and you can be the judge. So, what else? You know, Gannon is a deep thinker. Not really in a scientific sort of way. More in a poetic kind of way, which I actually admire. Probably because my mind doesn’t work that way. I’m more analytical. I value logic. Gannon ignores it. It’s almost like he exists outside of reality sometimes – on a different level, so to speak. He could literally sit alone all day, staring off into the distance, thinking and writing in his journal.
Who knows, maybe he’ll be a great writer one day, or maybe an artist like my dad. He’s emotional, feeling, compassionate.
Okay, fine. I’ll admit it. My brother’s an awesome guy.
Written by Gannon
When I was asked to tell you a little about Wyatt, I thought, “Oh, boy, where do I begin?”
Let’s see, he’s overly organized, loves science, gets good grades, and has a curiosity that gets us into quite a bit of trouble. He’s also hilarious, but not intentionally.
I mean, I could tell you some things about Wyatt that would make you roll on the ground laughing. Like the time we were on a hike and he found an owl den in a tree. Since Wyatt thinks he knows everything about everything, he had to stop and tell us how owls do this, that and the other thing.
Well, in the middle of his lecture a harmless garden snake fell out of the tree and landed right on his shoulders! Oh man, if you could have heard him shriek you might have wet your pants. I think I laughed for a week.
Then there was the time when…ah, you know what, I better stop there. If I tell you anymore of Wyatt’s embarrassing moments he’ll never speak to me again. So, to wrap it up, Wyatt is everything that I’m not. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. All I’m saying is that for twins, we couldn’t be more different.
Oh, and one last thing, Wyatt’s my best friend.